On the day we talked, Michener was responding to a major apartment house fire that required Red Cross assistance. He is also a disaster responder for the Red Cross. Red Cross volunteer Mike Michener of Tacoma - who supervised the alarm installation in James’ home - isn’t sure just how many alarms he has put into Western Washington homes, but reckons the number is “80 or more.” Michener has served with the Red Cross for four years and currently sits on the board of the Red Cross South Puget Sound and Olympics chapter, based in Tacoma. Instead of becoming the year’s 1,577th fire death, James became the 916th “save” of the Red Cross Home Fire campaign. What could have been a catastrophic, life-threatening fire turned into something James could deal with using just a home fire extinguisher. He was very grateful and wanted to thank the Aberdeen Fire Department for installing the smoke alarm.” He decided not to call for the fire department because he was able to extinguish the fire on his own. James said he was able to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher. He feels like he would have died if the Aberdeen Fire Department had not placed a smoke alarm in his bedroom. James stated that he was heavily sedated by his medication and would not have awakened without the smoke alarm. The fan had melted and fallen onto the carpet, causing five small fires on the carpet. the smoke alarm in his bedroom sounded and he awoke to find a clip-on fan was on fire. David James called the Aberdeen Fire Department to report he had just put out a fire in his bedroom. “During the early morning hours of August 12, 2021, Mr. Here is the story as reported by the city of Aberdeen Fire Department: It was one of those alarms that alerted James when fire broke out in his home early in the morning of August 12, 2021. Since the campaign began, 2.2 million smoke alarms have been installed in homes across the U.S., and two of them were in the Aberdeen home of David James. The aIm of Home Fire is to reduce deaths and injuries due to home fires by installing smoke detectors in dwellings that lack a working alarm. Instead of another name being added to the home fire death toll, the Red Cross can point to 916 lives saved since its Home Fire Campaign was launched in 2014. That total might have been 1,577 if it were not for smoke alarms supplied by the Red Cross and installed by members of the Aberdeen WA fire department. Home fires claimed the lives of 1,576 Americans in the first eight months of 2021.

Photo by Andy Clayton-King for the American Red Cross.